MPM Snow Simulation via CUDA

Class Instructor Date Language Ta'ed Code
CSE 6730 (continued as personal project) Richard Fujimoto Spring 2018 Java/JCUDA No Github Repo - MPM Snow

MPM Cuda project with recompiled kernel, and updated to Jcuda for CUDA 9.2

Originally this project was a team project for a Simulation class, where we implemented both multithreaded CPU-based and GPU-based (via CUDA) solutions for snow simulation based on the famous Material Point Method for Snow Simulation paper, which I had wanted to implement since I saw the paper at Siggraph the year it came out.

Like most school projects, it had a few bugs, which I've since ironed out, and I've also merged a few of the kernel functions and fixed a few bugs in the calculations, restructured how the kernel calls are built and called, and generally cleaned up and streamlined the java code. I've also changed some of the default values so that the sim isn't so brittle, which enabled me to increase the timestep by a factor of 10.

MPM Snow Simulation via CUDA